Dal Prompt Engineering al Prompting Assistito dall’IA: Navigare nell’Evoluzione Rapida delle Interazioni con l’IA

Nel momento in cui osserviamo i rapidi sviluppi nel mondo dell’intelligenza artificiale (IA), è fondamentale adattare e ottimizzare i nostri metodi per interagire con questi potenti strumenti. Lo scorso anno, abbiamo assistito all’emergere del Prompt Engineering, enfatizzando l’importanza di creare prompt efficaci per ottenere risposte accurate e pertinenti dai sistemi di IA. Tuttavia, i recenti…

Generative AI: The Einstein in Your Basement

Imagine having a personal Einstein in your basement, a genius who can write poetry, code, translate languages, and answer any question you throw at him. That’s essentially what Generative AI is – a revolutionary technology that’s rapidly changing the world.But before you get carried away with visions of AI overlords, let’s break down what Generative…

Taxonomy of Large Language Model Applications

Taxonomy of Large Language Model Applications:A comprehensive classification system that organizes applications powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) based on their primary purpose, functionality, interaction style, and unique characteristics. This taxonomy serves as a valuable resource for developers and startups, facilitating a deeper understanding of the various types of LLM applications and the key considerations…


Uncovering the Truth About AI Washing

As we continue to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into various aspects of our lives, it’s essential to acknowledge the potential risks and consequences that come with its development. One such concern is the practice of “AI washing,” a term coined to describe the act of hiding or downplaying the limitations and biases inherent in AI…


Unraveling the Mystery of Q*

A Potential Breakthrough for Artificial General Intelligence by OpenAI The world of artificial intelligence has been buzzing with excitement as OpenAI, a leading research organization in the field, recently introduced Q, an algorithm that could potentially revolutionize how we perceive AI. This concept combines elements from Q learning and AAR algorithms to achieve 100% accuracy…